Dear Friends,
As a proud graduate of Binghamton’s public schools, I benefited from teachers who opened my eyes to challenges and opportunities, and who encouraged me to reach my goals. They often did so without any expectations of rewards or recognition because they believed that public schools are places where fairness and justice should be valued, and that every student matters.
I share that belief. Putting that vision into action means putting resources in place to ensure families have access to early education, fully funded public schools, after-school programs, and a staff and curriculum that reflects the diversity of our community. Further, we must ensure our children's safety by supporting a positive school climate that builds trusting relationships with the dedicated adults at the school and takes care of the mental and emotional health of people in the school and the broader community.
As your next NYS Senator I will support measures such as these that will provide all our children with the opportunity to thrive.
I wish success to all of our students, their families, teachers and support staff in the new academic year.